Tomatoes/Njansanga Beef Stew is a Sunday regular



1 Can of fresh tomatoes sauce

3 big fresh tomatoes  

Meat quantity of your choice

Tablespoons of Green spices 

3/4 of a big Onion  

1 big bell Pepper  

Salt and seasoning to taste

1 teaspoon of Garlic powder or 3 stripes of fresh garlic 

Black and white Pepper  

A hand full of Njasanga (optional)  

5 cups of Water

1 1/2 cup of cooking oil  


How to

- Slice your meat into desired sizes.

- In a Blender, add both can and fruit tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, garlic, njansanga, black and white pepper.

- If your bender is not big enough, you can blend your tomatoes first, then the rest of your ingredients afterwards.

- Blend till everything softens and mixes well. 

- Pour blended ingredients in a pot.  

- Add In your meat. 

- Add salt, seasoning and green spices.

 - Add In two cups of Water

- Start cooking at high flames (If your stove flames ranges from 1-9, cook at 8).

- Cook till water dries up(making sure you stir from time to time) then add one more cup of water and continue cooking till it dries up again.

- Repeat this process till the rest two cups of water are used up. At this stage, reduce heat to medium.

- Add oil at the end and stir for the next 15minutes till it’s settles in. 

- Take off the stove and serve hot with some Rice and fried Plantain(aka Dodo). 


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