Bell Pepper Sauce with Chicken



  • 5 Bell pepper (4 red and one yellow or green)

  • 2 small fresh tomatoes

  • 2 small onions

  • Chicken ( I used smoked chicken. However, my choice is optional)

  • Garlic to taste

  • Black and white pepper to tase.

  • Vegetable seasoning to taste

  • Chicken stock cubes to taste

  • Salt to taste

  • One cup of Oil

  • Water

  • Green spices to taste

How to:

  • Smoke your chicken to get rid of tiny feather hairs (optional).

  • Slice your chicken into small parts and lace them in a pot.

  • Add water just above the chicken.

  • Add seasoning (salt, chicken stock, white and black pepper) and cook for 15 minutes.

  • Wash, chop and blend, bell pepper, tomatoes, onions, garlic.

  • Pour in blended ingredients into your chicken and chicken stock.

  • Add your green spices and pour in half cup of water.

  • Taste to make sure your seasoning is enough (if not add more).

  • Cover your pot and let it cook on medium-high heat for 30minutes (or longer) while frequently stirring to avoid it getting burnt ( add little amounts of water if necessary).

  • After 30minutes of cooking, check if water is almost dried up, then pour in your oil.

  • Continue cooking for another 15 minutes while stirring constantly.

  • And there you go, your bell pepper sauce is ready.

  • Serve with rice or side dish of your choice.


  • The amount of time used to cook your chicken in the the stew will depend on the kind of chicken you used. I used a chicken similar to a road runner, and such takes longer to cook (the reason why i cooked it together with my stew for 30-45minutes).

  • If you are using a softer kind of chicken, after boiling for 15minutes, take out the chicken and only put it into your stew when it is almost ready. Therefore you will be cooking your blended ingredients with the chicken stock only.
